How To Care, Clean And Maintain Hardwood Floors

Jul 14, 2022Flooring

Your flooring can help you make an impression on your visitors. More so if you have wooden floors. 

The only caveat is that hardwood floors need proper care and cleaning. Otherwise, it will become lackluster and will not make an impact on your guest.

In this post, we will share five cleaning tips on how you can take care of your hardwood floors.


An important part of maintaining the beauty of any wooden floor is to protect it from unwanted damage.  One of the most important things to remember is to wipe away any spills immediately.  The top layers of lacquer or oil will protect your floor initially, but if the liquid is left to soak into the wood, then it can cause irreparable damage.

Another way to maintain your flooring is to protect it from scratches and dents.  Small marks and indentations are inevitable, but there are things that you can do to prevent deeper, larger scratches.  Firstly, remove footwear before walking on your wooden floor.  Outdoor footwear is likely to have dirt and grit on the bottom that can easily scratch your floor if walked on.  Ideally leave shoes and boots in a porch, garage or cupboard, but alternatively you could have a door mat or shoe rack.  If you notice any stones or grit on your wooden floor, remove them straight away.

You will also want to prevent furniture or heavy objects from scratching your floor.  Always pick up heavy objects to move them, rather than dragging them across the floor.  You can use anti scratch felt protector pads.  These can be applied to the bottom of furniture and act as a soft barrier between the wooden floor and heavy object.


Cleaning your wooden floor is straight forward.  All you need to do is sweep the surface of the floor with a soft bristle brush.  We would recommend that you do this every day to remove any small surface dirt or dust.  You can also use a vacuum cleaner but will need to make sure that you have the correct attachments for a wooden floor.

Once your floor has been swept, you can then clean it to remove any surface stains or marks.  This only needs to be done about once a week, or when you notice any surface stains.  To clean your floor, we would recommend using a microfibre mop and PH neutral cleaning spray. will be gentle but effective on your wooden floor.  Try to clean in the direction of the grain. You should never use furniture polish as this will leave a slippery residue. Also, never use a steam mop. The steam will penetrate into the wooden floor and can cause damage over time.


Yes, you can refinish your wooden floor.  This can help to revive and refresh your floor and can remove unwanted marks and stains. There are a few options available, but they depend upon what type of floor you have and why you want to refinish your floor.

If your wooden floor has an oiled finish, and you want to reduce the look of small scratches then you can apply more oil to the floor.  Firstly, you will need to thoroughly clean your floor.  Then apply another layer of oil.  This will need to be left to dry for the appropriate amount of time before replacing furniture and walking on it.  It will brighten and refresh your wooden floor.

If your wooden floor has a lacquered finish, and you want to reduce the look of small scratches then you can lightly sand the surface and then apply more lacquer.  The finished look will be a fresh and revived wooden floor.

If you have large, deep dents or scratches then you may need a deep sand and then refinish with oil or lacquer.  For any type of refinishing, we would recommend using a wooden flooring specialist.



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