How To Install Tile Flooring

Sep 8, 2022Flooring

Ceramic and stone tile are known for clean, precise cuts and a distinct, natural beauty. This look is easier to achieve than you might think, and with the proper planning can even be a great DIY project! Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire an expert installer, you should know what to expect. See our steps below to be sure your tile floors are installed properly from start to finish!

1. Start With A Perfectly Flat Surface

To achieve an effective tile installation experience, the substrate must first be perfectly flat. Learning how to aplly self-leveling underlayment is key as well as how to use floor patch and skim coat products. Applying types of products helps to repair minor imperfections to the substrate prior to installing the floor covering.

2. Crack-Proof And Waterproof The Substrate 

Floors and walls shift over time, causing cracks beneath the finished tile. Crack isolation and anti-fracture membranes can be applied prior to the installation of tile to prevent this from being a costly issue down the line. 

Crack isolation membrane and anti fracture membrane products are designed to isolate tile and stone finishes from minor in-plane substrate cracking. These can take the form of liquid applied, sheet goods and trowel applied systems and can include additional characteristics such as waterproofing and sound reduction properties.

3. Use Rapid Products And Solutions For Quick Turnaround 

The construction industry has experienced hurdles with the pandemic including constricted timelines and controlled jobsite access (to allow for social distancing and provide workers with proper safety measures). This means many projects have been forced to play catch up. Speed is required to help us all rebound from the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

4. Choose The Right Products

To ensure a quality, long-lasting tile installation, be sure to select only LATICRETE products recommended for your installation type. Choosing a tile adhesive that withstands the appropriate time, wear and environmental elements is essential. Equally important is the LATICRETE grout that fits between the tiles and locks them in place. Besides providing much needed structural support, an aesthetically pleasing grout should be selected for a clean and appealing look.

A big factor to consider when selecting the right materials is the location of the tile installation. Usually, the more demanding the application, such as commercial buildings, the more intensive the adhesives, grouts and installation accessories need to be. These types of applications require the installation products to have better working properties and ultimately better performance and characteristics, compared to smaller scale single family residential applications. 

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